Resolution 2021

New Year’s Resolution 2021

Here comes the New Year, 2021… Let me first wish you all a very Happy New Year. A year blessed with health, wealth and lots of happiness for every one of you.

So, now the Question of the Month. And, the reason I am saying “question of the month” is because it hardly stays for a month or maximum of 2 months.

What is your resolution for the year 2021?

You all might have thought of some things which you want to improve or try out for the first time. And, if you have already set your resolution, that’s awesome. Moving onto the ones who are facing difficulties in deciding their resolution. Resolutions are just a reflection of our wishes and dreams, might be with a target date or without it. If you are still not sure about it, go through these simple suggestions which will help you.

  • Instead of a resolution, Pick one habit that you want in your life.
  • Act like a newborn baby and start with taking baby steps towards your goal.
  • Just like how children tell what they want to be to everyone. You also tell others or write it down. I have read somewhere that the more you share your goals with your friends and families, the more you are sending the message to the universe.
  • Once in a while, stop and focus on the improvement you have achieved and the positive feedback you received. Don’t forget to rewards yourself for coming a step closer to your success.

Yes, you might already have a lot of work, family commitments, social life and travel obligations. But, it is always good and advisable to take a few moments from your day to focus on yourself. This New Year is a great opportunity to focus on the changes you want to bring in your life. Whether this means getting in shape or switching to new work habits or taking out some time for your hobbies.

“Wanting to change yourself and better yourself is a beautiful and inspiring thing.”

Have a nice year ahead.

Mention your resolution for 2021 in the comment section.

2 thoughts on “New Year’s Resolution 2021

  1. I am motivated to reduce my weight this year.
    Thanks for the motivation.
    Best wishes n A Very Happy New Year 2021.

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