Health & Fitness

International Men’s Health Week: Health Issues that Men Shouldn’t Avoid.

Mard ko Dard nahi Hota‘ We have grown up hearing this, and it was glorified by Indian movies too. “Heroes” with the typical hero qualities, one man army, a multitalented human, who can fight, who can dance, who can sing, who hardly cries and has everything sorted out!

Stop right there! This is not at all true! We cannot glorify that men shouldn’t feel pain, men shouldn’t cry, men aren’t emotional, and men are not soft-hearted. 

It’s human to feel pain, it’s human to not feel okay. Health is not gender-specific. Surveys have shown that nearly 60% of men avoid visiting a doctor (even if they think they have a serious health condition).

We cannot stress enough that men need to take care of their health too, while they are busy making everything else a priority. 

This week, International Men’s Health Week, we would like to share a few common health issues, that men ignore but they shouldn’t. 

Sleep Apnea:

People who snore can get their breathing interrupted in between which can last for a few seconds to a few minutes. Sleep apnea can cause sudden drops in blood oxygen which can further increase the risk of abnormal heartbeats or stroke.

  • Try to sleep on the left side rather than on your back
  • Maintain a healthy weight and diet
  • Humidify your bedroom to clear up airway congestion

Cardiovascular Diseases:

These are a class of conditions that affect, the heart, arteries, blood vessels, and veins and can cause heart attacks or strokes. Common symptoms are shortness of breath, discomfort in the chest, sweating, changes in vision, neck or jaw pain, and heartbeat slower or faster than usual. 

  • Quit smoking, active and passive, all together
  • Maintain a healthy body weight
  • Avoid stress and hypertension
  • Keep cholesterol in check
  • Regular check-up, once every six months, is a must


Though infertility is often associated with women, this is a major health concern in men as well. Most couples avoid such diagnoses because of the social stigma and emotional problems attached to them. Male infertility is often ignored because of the common belief that infertility is likely to occur in women.

  • Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol
  • Avoid wearing tight undergarments
  • Exercise regularly and maintain a healthy body weight
  • Include antioxidants, nutrients, and vitamin C & E in your diet

Low Testosterone:

Testosterone are vital for muscle and bone health, red blood cells, cognition, sperm formation, and sexual and reproductive function in males. Low testosterone can cause due to stress, aging, and hypogonadism. Loss of muscle, increased body weight, low sex drive, sleep deprivation, and hair loss are common symptoms. 

  • Exercise and lift weights
  • Manage stress and cortisol levels
  • Add protein, carbs, and fats to your diet

Liver Problems:

Liver complications are often associated with frequent alcohol drinking. However, obesity, diabetes, tattoos, and unprotected intercourse can also contribute to liver degeneration. 

  • Have a balanced diet and weight
  • Practice safe intercourse
  • Drink responsibly, or avoid completely
  • Maintain a good hygiene

Errr….Erectile Dysfunction:

Erectile Dysfunction is a common issue men face with age. It can be caused by conditions like diabetes, kidney disease, neurological disease, chronic alcoholism, atherosclerosis, etc. So, don’t avoid going to the doctor thinking that ‘it is just a phase’, if you don’t address this properly, it could affect your personal life and your overall health in the long run.

  • Manage stress and seek help if needed
  • If you have any of the above diseases, seek immediate treatment


Obesity increases body fat, bad cholesterol, and blood sugar. Being obese increases the risk of slow-killing diseases like diabetes, stroke, osteoarthritis, depression, and sleep apnea. It is more worrisome in men than women because obesity causes problems with male hormones, sex drive, and prostate health. Your appetite may seem more but focus on healthy eating and up to 80% of your appetite. 

  • Exercise and maintain a healthy body weight
  • Adjust your diet


Diabetes is one of the most common health conditions. The symptoms of diabetes are: increased thirst and frequent urination, increased hunger, weight loss, blurred vision, and delayed healing of cuts and wounds.

  • Seek medical help immediately if you have any of the above symptoms
  • Avoid sugary foods and beverages completely
  • Follow a strict diet plan and exercise regularly

Stress and Depression:

Depression is real! It is not a phase, it is not just a bad mood. Men usually don’t seek any help pertaining to the common comment of looking ‘weak’. Depression is a critical concern that requires help as soon as possible. Consult a mental health expert now if you’re constantly feeling depressed. Do not delay.

Dear Men,

You matter! Your health matters! Prioritize your health and break the stigma of ‘Mard ko dard nai hota’! Keep a close eye on your body and health concerns. Eat healthily, exercise regularly, and manage stress.

Happy International Men’s Health Week!

This article is in collaboration with Nancy Gupta!

Author bio: She watches, she reads, she analyzes, she feels, she thinks and she WRITEs! She is creative in everything, she has her own voice and she is always brewing stories in her mind. She might not speak a lot at first, but she sure can write everything she wants people to know, hear, feel, or read.

PS: You can lure her in with Pizza, Coffee, and a lot of Rasgullas!

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