Facial Massage
Skincare & Haircare

A Guide on Facial Massage for a Healthy Glowing Skin!!

At some point in time, you all have enjoyed a good session of body massage. Be it in a relaxing environment in the spa or your toddler standing/walking on your back while watching TV. And I bet, after this massage session, you did feel relaxed and rejuvenated. 

Just like your body, your facial muscles also need a massage to maintain a healthy glow in your skin.

Nowadays, half of my Instagram feed is filled with reels of hands moving rapidly, pinching, tapping. flicking, and rolling. Facial Massage is an ancient technique that has found a new home in the modern skincare routine and has plenty of A list fans. And, is even gaining more popularity as we speak about it!!

So, let us see more about Facial Massage…

What is Facial Massage?

So, it is very simple. The answer to the question is in the word itself, “facial massage” – Massaging your face using fingers or facial massage tools like Gua sha & Jade roller. In this massaging technique, you massage your neck, jawline, cheeks and forehead. And, as a result, your skin will start looking healthier and more youthful.

man doing facial massage

Skincare experts recommend cleaning your face and also the facial tools before massaging. You can massage your face daily for 5-10 minutes. This will help in increasing blood circulation to your face. Along with this, facial massage has many benefits, which will be discussed in the next segment.

— Did you know that our face consists of a total of 43 facial muscles?

Benefits of Facial Massage!

1. Improves Blood Circulation

Proper supply of blood to our skin cells is very important as it also circulates nutrients and also helps in detoxification. When you massage your facial muscles, you improve the circulation of blood and oxygen to your face. As a result, there is proper drainage of lymphatic nodes (which are present on your face & neck regions), thus detoxifing the skin. Facial massage also helps in increasing collagen production, giving you fresh and glowing skin.

2. Reduces Wrinkles on the Face

As discussed in my previous point, blood circulation to the face increases collagen production, which in turn improves the elasticity of your skin, giving you a wrinkle-free look. Facial massage relaxes your facial muscles which reduces the chances of the early appearance of wrinkles. So, the next time when you are applying your anti-ageing cream, massage your facial muscles a little.

facial massage- anti ageing benefits

3. Facilitates Skin Repair (Acne, Scars, Large Pores)

With proper hygiene and regular facial massage, some types of acne can be prevented. always remember to wash your face with your favourite cleanser and then use your finger or a jade roller to massage your face. Also, with the enhanced collagen production, large pores on your face can be managed. To restore any damage to the skin like scar marks, facial massage is quite helpful. The collagen produced during it will naturally help in restoring pores as well as scar marks.

4. Tones Your Face:

Facial muscles lose their firmness over time. Facial massage helps boost your facial muscles, giving you a slimmer and contoured with a more defined jawline look. Your face will look slimmer too as massaging your face helps in reducing the puffiness by draining the stagnant fluid trapped inside.

5. Relieves Sinus Discomfort

When you massage specific acupressure points and certain regions around your nose, you can get relief from sinuses by building up mucus release. You can also tap the centre of your eyebrows helps in relieving sinuses. You can start feeling relieved from the discomfort caused due to sinuses. Give facial massage a try.

relieves tension

6. Relieves Tension:

With the busy and stressful lifestyle, your facial muscles tend to gets stressed or tense. This can also lead to toxin buildup. Just doing a simple massage for 5-10 minutes can help in draining the toxins and relaxing the facial muscles. This will reduce the puffiness around the eyes as well as cheeks.

Face massage can be easily incorporated into your daily or weekly routines. And plus points are it is neither expensive nor time-consuming with lots of benefits. So, let us now see how you can give yourself a face massage at home.

How To Do Facial Massage: A Step-By-Step Guide

To attain a perfect toned glowing face, there is a right way of doing facial massage. So consider this as a bonus for you and let us see the steps to do facial massage at home.

  • Cleanse your hands and tie back your hair.
  • Wash your face with lukewarm water and pat dry.
  • Choose serums or oils (you can mix with your preferred essential oils too) for your skin.
  • Use or fingers (index and middle finger) or facial massage tools to move in a circular motion from your forehead to your temples to your cheek.
  • Gently roll under your eye from inward motion to outwards and similarly upward near your eyebrows.
  • Using your finger apply mild pressure from your chin towards your cheekbone muscle in an upward motion.
  • For lymphatic drainage, you can start massaging from below your earlobe, going in a downward motion following your neck to your collarbone.
how to do facial massage
  • You can also massage the acupressure points located on your face to feel more relaxed, reduce anxiety, improve sleep, and get sinus relief. You can find these acupressure points at –
    • the centre of your forehead,
    • between your eyebrow,
    • sides of your forehead near your temples,
    • at the front of the tragus ( front side of the opening of the ear) of the ear,
    • under the ear lobe,
    • between your nose and upper lip region at the centre,
    • under your eyes,
    • in the groove where your nostril connects your face.
  • Throughout the massage, keep applying gentle pressure evenly.
  • Repeat the above steps 5-6 times.


With all the benefits of facial massage, I am pretty sure must be motivated enough to give facial massage a try. You can easily include this in your morning, evening, or bedtime skincare routine. Do this massage just for about 5- 10 min to feel more relaxed and calm. I have been doing this for a while and I feel relaxed and good about it. So, start giving 5-10 minutes to release the tension from your facial muscles. The earlier you begin the better.

facial massage

Stay Happy and Relaxed!!

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