Pampering Your Skin is Beneficial for Your Mental Health!!
Skincare & Haircare

Pampering Your Skin is Beneficial for Your Mental Health!!

One day, something bad or disappointing happened to you and you couldn’t stop yourself from crying. Somehow, you managed to control your emotions and lift yourself to go to the washroom. You look into the mirror and assure yourself that “you are okay!”. With that in mind, you wash your face, apply a serum or follow your skincare steps. And instantly, you feel little calm. Am I Right??

Or suppose you have booked an appointment for a facial or massage in your salon. And somehow the whole day you were feeling a little frustrated. But after a good pampering, you feel calm and feel like that the heavy baggage has been lifted… Am I Right?

So, will you agree if I comment –

“Skincare acts as a mood enhancer” 

Yes, following a skincare routine acts as a mood enhancer and also keeps mental health in check. A skincare routine is often very soothing, calming and can almost be meditative. On a deeper level, it sends the signal to your mind that you are honouring yourself by taking time out for yourself.

During this pandemic lockdown, we all have had a skincare routine to stick to. But as the work from home load increased, it became difficult to follow our skincare routine. But if you remember you did feel good and relaxed after your skincare routine, didn’t you?

follow a skincare routine for better mental health

“The reality is that our skin in so many ways is a ‘Check Engine Light’ for our internal health. When skin looks and feels good, we tend to feel better about ourselves,”

says Erum Ilyas, MD, a board-certified dermatologist with Montgomery Dermatology in King of Prussia, Pennsylvania.

Skincare and Mental Health

  • A properly set routine for work, exercising and even skincare routine is critical for your overall health and wellness of body and mind.
  • Throughout your day, you might find yourself in intrusive thoughts. But you can easily break such thoughts by taking care of yourself and your skin. The act of caring for your skin additionally provides an opportunity for mindfulness.
  • Following a skincare or self-care routine at home is so fulfilling that even the anticipation of such happy events can release feel-good neurotransmitters in the brain.
  • Physical relaxation from a bath also sends your brain the message that it’s time to be calm and mellow, reducing the fight-or-flight stress response. And to make your bath even more relaxing you can opt for bath bombs or bath dust. (Check out some amazing bath bombs and bath dust by Soap Gags)
  • Caring for your skin is an act of kindness not only for your skin but also for your mind. As it helps in improving circulation to the skin, which can help in your overall well-being.
  • Following a skincare routine also gives a chance to bond with your loved ones. You can make your skin care routine fun with involving your partners or friends. Apply face masks and enjoy your favourite movie together.
skincare bath and mental health

Why Skincare is Important?

There are numerous ways to practice self-care, but focusing on improving your skin health helps a lot in your mental and emotional health too. And especially during this COVID-19 pandemic, taking care of your skin and your mental health becomes even more crucial. Taking out some time to nurture your skin will also positively affect your mind and body. It will not only acts as a mood enhancer but will also help in boosting your confidence and a sense of control.

So, now it’s your time to pamper your skin and your mental health!

pamper your skin and mental health

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