Skincare Routine
Skincare & Haircare

Lockdown Skincare routine & Missing Salon Services

I have not been to the salon for almost 8 months now.

Oh God, that is a very long time. And, I am not even gonna ask you if you miss getting pampered by the Salon didis. I know we can take care of our skin and follow the celebrities’ skincare regimen. But ladies and gentlemen, I think you all will agree with me that it’s totally different when you go to a salon and enjoy their services.

Okay, I think I am making you miss the salon even more now (but Good news – salons are now open. Yoohooo). So, coming to the topic for today’s blog, the substitute Skincare regimen we all followed this lockdown.

Skincare is an important part of Self-care

Where men were growing their beard or trimming their hair to 0; the ladies were self-pampering their skin or cutting their hair short (I did both). We all were taking care of our beautiful skin in some or the other way. Even our social influencers helped us a lot during this time by telling us some good skincare tips.

As we were coping with this pandemic situation, not only taking care of our immunity was a priority but also following a good skincare regimen. Many of the working moms were finally able to find some time to pamper their skin as well as their children while performing their daily tasks. It might just be splashing cold water and applying some toner on your face.

If you are fond of gardening, you might be having an aloe Vera plant. And your go-to face mask would be the gel from a leaf or two. Am I right? Many of us even applied the easiest traditional face mask and our Grandma’s favourite – Besan Ubtan (Gram Flour face pack). This is the best substitute for the one time use face sheets. Talking about face sheets, I am pretty sure, once the online shopping site started the delivery services, you might have ordered your favourite face sheets and other cosmetic products. Because I did and I just remembered I have yet not used the face sheets (sigh). Apart from the face sheets, we also tried some new face masks from our kitchen ingredients, which was trending during the lockdown, thanks to our social influencers.

So, now after 7 months in lockdown, we all must be having one favourite skincare regimen. I would really love to know what was yours? So, Comment down to let us know your favourite regimen and I am sure we will find something different in every comment.

Let’s start with me, even I will be commenting my favorite skincare routine and you mention yours. Deal?

The skincare routine is not only for girls but even guys can try some simple skincare routine, it can be as simple as washing your face twice a day and applying some toner or moisturizer. And, this is for everyone. Once we start taking care of our skin or our hair as well as our overall health. We feel very much confident and comfortable with ourself. You will not bother what others think about you. And, that’s a very important part of your life.

Take Care of your Skin and your Health.

Stay Safe.

4 thoughts on “Lockdown Skincare routine & Missing Salon Services

  1. My favourite daily skincare routine was very simple, steam (mainly to keep away the virus), facewash and finally applying Dabur Gulabari (rose water) just before going to sleep. This became my dad’s favourite routine too, and know whenever he washes his face, he just applies the rose water on his face (especially before going out).
    Now, we have made a deal above. So, it’s now your turn to mention your skincare routine.

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